the last days.

i know that the time will come wherein the way you feel about me will eventually going to die. you'll stop ringing my phone, stop sending me sms or even stop dropping by to say hi. you'll stop reading my tweets or even stop looking at my facebook updates. you'll stop buzzing me on yahoo and stop going out with me.

you'll stop doing those things that feeds my heart with emotions i've never felt. you'll stop giving me the care you used to give. the care which at the moment, you think i deserve.

you may find someone better. someone who’s better than me. you may find someone who'll take care of you more. more than i could ever give. someone who's worthy to be with you. not just a below-average joe. someone whom you don’t need to make a lot of sacrifices, nor even a lot of adjustments too. someone who won’t let you feel pain of loving. someone who can make your love bloom and stay. someone who's sensitive enough to hear your heart. and not some fool who ignores your weary heart. i know you'll meet a whole lot more who could make a way much better relationship that i can offer.

but before all of those happen, i just want to tell you how thankful i am to have you in my life. you've made me feel that i'm worth loving and not a lesser-human to others. and when that time comes, i hope you're happy. because i know you deserve it.

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