Confessions Of A Playboy


I woke up on another different room. I could see the sunlight passing through the blinds hanging on the window. It brightens up the room painted on flesh pastel. I could hear the clock ticking. It's ten in the morning. And I've slept with another random flesh from last night's flirting. My nipples. Aw. It hurts. I grabbed a very aggressive, slightly masochist devil who fancy my now stimulated twins. I slowly stood up from the bed so as to avoid any one from waking up. I looked at my naked body in front of the mirror. Other than the soar nipple, I noticed the bruise on my left pecs. That. I remember. When the animal got too excited with my moves; bit me directly on my chest. My left nipple must be dead by now if it was caught between those two sets of grinders.

I was scheduled to visit the gym this morning, hoping my pecs could tolerate the pain it's feeling right now. I grabbed my pants and my shirt and slowly dressed myself up. Then on the side table, I saw a half-open wallet with a picture peeking out. It was the Animal. Sitting beside a guy. Bodies clasped, with smiles on their faces.They looked happy. I returned the photo back and quickly escaped the room. Then the answering machine blurted out a message from a guy.. "Good morning babe. Sorry I didn't replied last night. I fell asleep. Call me when you wake up. I love you.."

I felt deceived. With some of the conversations running through my mind.



~Are you waiting for somebody?

-Nope. you?


-You look familiar.

~Really? (I thought it was just me..)

-Hmm.. maybe I've seen you before..


(three minutes..)
~May partner ka?

-I don't flirt around kung may partner ako. stick to one.

~(Wow.) I see. Why? I mean.. what happened sa last? (what a dumb thing to ask.)

-Ayaw na nila sakin.

~(Impossible!) Hmm..
On the next succeeding hours, we talked. Steal some kiss.. some touch.. then talked more. I was surprised on how I easily opened myself up to this stranger. Our talks lead us to the bed that witnessed everything. Then I woke up having the thought that the only thing that's true from last night was that bitch's name. Sabagay, what do I expect? A great catch? Considering the place of meet up? Nah.

I've been hooking up to a lot of people when I received my freedom after I finished my studies. I've been using my other identity, complete with educational background, work experience and name to those I just want to get laid with. Seldom do I meet people who catches a glimpse of real me Just because I also allowed them to. With the stance I got, the looks I possess, the eyes that sees you through; I could get anyone I want.

With all the gonads I've mastered and all the lies I've uttered. For all the skins I've kissed and all the nipples I've sucked.. I'm tired of playing games anymore. After tasting my own medicine and being deceived by my own tactics, I realize all those hearts I've broken.

I don't wanna play anymore. I wanna be with somebody who knows my worth. Wants me not only because of sex but because of who I really am and what I really capable of doing. And I know that one's happiness mustn't depend on other people, I still want someone who can make me feel happy by showing me that they're happy because of me. I guess it's a desperate move coming from someone like me. But. My body's satisfied. Now, my heart's craving for something it haven't tasted before.

This post was based on a true story confessed by someone I know. I retained the thought of his confessions while altering some facts to hide his identity. Hope you had something to think about after reading this. :)

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