Pull Away

When it started beating
And the hollowness is filled
And the heat started spreading
Pull away my heart

When the pain clouds my eyes
And tears flow on my cheeks
Once laughters are revealed as lies
Pull away my heart

When leaving is imminent
And forever's about to end
Dreams turned to rust and sediments
Pull away my heart

When waiting seems like eternity
When staying means left behind
Lives lived in solace and anonimity
Pull away my heart

When love can't be given to ownself
When skin deceives the eyes
When substance no longer passes through
Pull away my heart

When breathing is heavier than apnea
With hands pressed on your chest
Useless organ dying with arrhythmia
Pull away my heart

If this thing causes me pain
If it is the root of all sadness
If it keeps the sun with heavy rain.

Save me. Pull away my heart..

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