
Amidst the warmest of the night yet the coldest of the scene I have found the right moment to look within and be susceptible at the inner turmoil I brought myself in. 

I have aimed for the perfect plan yet unable to execute needed actions to achieve what I have been wanted to achieve. As I take each path, the more I gather things that hold me, making me take them into considerations in every step I make.

I am lurking on a swamp full of hatred and negativity. And the negativity I've been dealing within me since makes all things worst. How I wish to unbind myself with the vines that stiffens me and burn down the connections I had with such. 

I wish to free myself of the inhibitions, the restrictions and the fear I've been nursing within. I wish to shake off the dirt and the mud and the grime I've let to get hold of myself. How I wish to dematerialize and be one of the great energy circulating around me. The enlightenment I've been seeking is there, I just needed to find the right medium to reach that guiding light.

I guess this is the fight I needed to take on my own. That despite the available help offered to me, I cannot. In the end, it will always be me and the way I managed to get hold of myself to pass through the struggles I had before. All I need is to believe and get back to my feet, stand on my own and start making things possible for the future I've always envisioned.

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